version 0.4 is coming soon i SWEAR!!!

ok ok look I KNOW i said the next update was gonna be out soon, but guess what? Unity's scene system is EXTREMELY annoying, so i'm rewriting multiple major aspects of my game so i can save information between scenes. I promise the next update will be out soon, but until then, here's some cool things to expect in the next few updates:

  • Inventory + Quests + Mailbox
  • Arcade, win prizes like more types of mayo + items for quests
  • Mineshaft, mine ores, smelt them, and refine them in exchange for more money
  • Camera upgrades giving you more money + less spamming
  • Optional ending

The thing about game development is that you can get bored of projects very quickly when your progress starts slowing down, because no one wants to sit a a monitor for hours on end trying to figure out what the hell error code cs30035 means. I'm also working on other games, notably Car Crash 2000 and an up-and-coming game Tower Of Screams, so make sure to stay tuned for those!!!!!!!!!!!!1!11!1!111exclamation mark!!1!

(PS. I've attached some teaser images for the arcade- coming soon)

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