Warning: The Online multiplayer currently does not work, and might never be fixed due to the fact that adding multiplayer to games is annoying and stupid.


Vroom Vroom... VROOM?

Have you ever wanted to play tag... while driving? Infection... while driving?  Well, Car Crash 2000 has got your back! Experience the fun and chaos of driving at up to 350 MPH with up to 3 other people! Use the wacky physics to do a backflip! Use the wacky physics to launch yourself into the air! Use the wacky physics to... fly out of the map? Oh no.


CarCrash0.20.app.zip 32 MB

Install instructions

This game is NOT a virus, but it hasn't been verified by Windows, so Windows will tell you it is a virus. Sad, I know.

Development log


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I love the wacky physic